superlative apple pie

This recipe is a two-day endeavor. You will use just about every dish possible in the kitchen for you 520 square foot San Francisco apartment. You will wonder if it really needs as many rests in the refrigerator as Rose Levy Beranbaum indicates. But if you stick to the program and measure diligently, following the directions carefully, you will have the best dessert imaginable for a Christmas evening spent watching Les Demoiselles de Rochefort while enjoying a hot cup of spiced cider. “The Baking Bible” has become a true reference text for me; I bought a used copy at Green Apple Books and I think I may need to buy another by the end of the decade as, stout as it may be, no book could possible stand up to the use I’m putting it to! Run, don’t walk, to the bookstore to get a copy of this book so you, too, can enjoy apple pie like you’ve never had before.




tarte tatin