love is love (the Netherlands)


This beautiful postcard comes via Postcrossing! I really love the bright and joyful atmosphere here. The sender lives in the Netherlands, where they’re celebrating 20 years of same-sex marriage (and their society hasn’t collapsed, yet, as many Christians presaged!). On my own wedding day, my marriage wasn’t recognized just a few hours after we signed the license because we drove into Virginia for dinner. When we drove cross-country later that year, every time we would cross a state border, we’d check to see if we were married or not. Luckily, this was only ever a joke and we never really had to worry whether we’d be able to support each other as any other married couple might.

She sender writes that she reads a lot of LGBT romcoms, in part because much of the media about and by LGBTQ people tends to focus on trauma and tragedy. To be sure, these are important and real aspects of many LGBTQ people’s experiences, but sometimes you want some cotton candy, you know? Here’s hoping everyone finds the love they most want, and they can live their lives openly and happily.


Cité de Carcassone (part two)


Death Valley National Park (California)