Here are the postcards!
I’ve been collecting postcards since 2008. Since then, I’ve sent and received over 1800 postcards from all over the US and dozens of countries. I respond to every postcard I receive, so I’m always open for private swaps.
My origin story: Back when I was a young boy, I got the idea to write a letter to several world leaders, but I only ever ended up writing the US president and the Queen of England. I was so tickled to receive responses from President Bush and then Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II! Well, they weren’t directly from the world leaders, but rather from their staff members. President Bush sent me an autographed photograph (which I lost later in a show-and-tell accident).
One of the Queen’s ladies-in-waiting sent me a very detailed letter, typed on Buckingham Palace stationery, answering all of my questions about the Queen’s horses and her corgis and her favorite foods. I marveled at the strangely-sized paper, the texture of the embossed coat of arms centered at the top of the page, and the stamps on the envelope. A real person had spent time reading my letter, responding to it, folding it and placing it in an envelope, and then more real human beings had taken the time and effort to transport it from London to some mail distribution center, to an airport in England, to an airport in the US, and back through the various USPS chains until it arrived in a plastic mailbox at the foot of my driveway in southeast Michigan.
I’m still fascinated by this process today, and all for less than the price of some chocolate! So I maintain correspondence with about a dozen penpals across the world, and send and receive postcards. At last count, I have a little under 2,000 postcards that I’ve received. Keep scrolling to see the most recent postcards that have arrived in my mailbox.
falls of Columbia Gorge (Oregon)
My in-laws hosted an old friend from the East Coast this past week and they took a trip to see Multnomah Falls (top right). It was a rainy day in a rainy season, so the falls were particularly full!
Bainbridge Island map (Washington)
Mejdulene continues her book tour, this time all the way out to the west coast. She took the ferry to Bainbridge Island and sadly saw no whales on the way out. Maybe on the way back?
Paradigm Winery (California)
Our friend Julian and Salvo visited Paradigm Winery late last month and sent us this aerial view of the winery. We visited there almost a year ago and the wines are delicious! The tasting experience was very personal and informative, too!
Chicago the City Beautiful (Illinois)
My dear friend sent me this postcard while in Chicago for a book-reading event (for her book! Yes, I am friends with published authors!). We took a vacation together to Chicago some time ago and it looms large in my memory as a truly beautiful weekend.
Baume les Messieurs (France)
Dominique m’envoie cette carte postale avec la commune nommé Baume, qui vient d’un mot gaulois ‘balma’ qui designe une grotte. Évidemment! :-) Elle se trouve das Jura, une région dont le vin est superb.
David (California)
This postcard comes from our dear friends Tracy and Cynthia, who picked it up on their trip to Florence a while ago. The postcard is actually addressed to our dear “International Champion Pinot,” and on the back is a drawing of our poodle with a bandaid over his rear. “Get well soon!”
poodle in cone (California)
You may recall this postcard from a while ago when Kimee helped us celebrate Pinot’s arrival in our home with these handmade poodle postcards. She made another one for us, this time featuring a glittery cone to mark Pinot’s big surgery. Lucky for him, he hasn’t really needed the cone outside of bedtime!
La Mongie (France)
My dear friend and former colleague Jo sent this hello from her winter holiday where her children earned their “2ème étoile” and “ourson” ranks in winter skiing! Lucky them, her in-laws have a home pictured here on the card! What a great opportunity!
thinking of [me] (California)
Ever the thoughtful one, Kimee sends this card with her sympathies and condolences. I am very grateful to her, and all of my other friends who are looking out for me and my family. Is there any power greater than the love and care of one’s chosen family?
Estonia (California)
Our friends Julian and Salvo appear to be in the throes of Spring cleaning because this postcard they decided to send me from their collection. In addition, Julian decided to let go of his dear Boss sweater! I’m so glad to receive it, especially since I’m definitely obsessed with Estonian!
Château d’If (France)
Voici encore une carte postale de mon ami Dominique, qui m’envoie un conseil de lire le Comte de Monte Christo par Alexandre Dumas, un roman qui parle de ce château. Il a servi comme prison pendant 400 ans!
Detroit lenticular (Michigan)
As usual, lenticular postcards don’t scan well. This is one I sent to Andy while I was in Michigan for a family funeral. The Detroit airport even has a postbox in the McNamara Terminal! I like to think the deceased would have appreciated my dedication to postcards even on such a sad trip.
Guts Tour (Michigan)
This postcard arrives from our niece and her boyfriend; they attended Olivia Rodrigo’s GUTS world tour a while back. It turns out, some of their cousins were also in attendance, although not sat nearby!
“the Mansion of the Plates” (Pennsylvania)
Our good friend T sent this postcard saying it reminded them of that horrific movie we watched in Celluloid Club called “House.” It reminds me of that, too! :-(
The back of the postcard indicates that the work is called “the Mansion of the Plates” and is part of the series “One Hundred Ghost Stories” (Hyaku monogatari) from approximately 1831-32 by Katsushika Hokusai.
postal flag (Oregon)
What a great postcard Linda sent! It’s of course the US flag but made out of domestic and foreign stamps, all cancelled!
twins! (Oregon)
I can’t decide why the dalmatian looks so miserable! Maybe it’s because someone wore the same “outfit” as he did?! I wonder how Linda interprets it?
animated Russia
I love this illustration style of maps with important people, foods, places, and phenomena superimposed on top! This postcard is a supreme example of the genre!
“Spill it bro” (Australia)
My penpal in Australia, Matty, found sent this postcard, congratulating me on finding the treasures available on RedBubble. And how!
Golden Gate Bridge at sunset (Michigan)
I so love it when a postcard starts in one place, goes to another, and ends up back where it started. In this case, that happened with a postcard for San Francisco printed in SF, which was found in a Michigan store, and then sent back! I can’t find a date for the original printing, but it looks old. Thanks to our niece Emily and her boyfriend Carter for finding this beautiful print!
domestic bliss (Russia)
This drawing really captures domestic, weekend bliss to me. A clean kitchen, but lived in (the wash cloth hanging on the wall), good music playing (her head tilted with a soft smile), and a hot cup of coffee while in comfortable pajamas. Who wouldn’t love that!?