Independence Day coconut cake

This year I didn’t feel very patriotic for a variety of reasons, but we had some July 4th celebrations planned, so I decided to make the most celebratory cake I know: coconut cake. In honor of Independence Day (or perhaps the flags of countries I might consider fleeing to in order to escape the Christian fascist hellscape the US is becoming), I tried to tint 1/3 of the coconut flakes red, another 1/3 blue, and the last 1/3 untinted. In the end, I just came out with a cake that looked very much like fruity pebbles! Too much blue coloring in the cake layers and too little red rendered a weird dayglo cake that i wasn’t particularly proud of. But since I haven’t baked much and this took me a truly embarrassingly long time to make, I thought I’d post it here. Happy Independence Day?


spiced plum custard cake


babchallah (babka + challah)