Here are the postcards!

I’ve been collecting postcards since 2008. Since then, I’ve sent and received over 1800 postcards from all over the US and dozens of countries. I respond to every postcard I receive, so I’m always open for private swaps.

My origin story: Back when I was a young boy, I got the idea to write a letter to several world leaders, but I only ever ended up writing the US president and the Queen of England. I was so tickled to receive responses from President Bush and then Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II! Well, they weren’t directly from the world leaders, but rather from their staff members. President Bush sent me an autographed photograph (which I lost later in a show-and-tell accident).

One of the Queen’s ladies-in-waiting sent me a very detailed letter, typed on Buckingham Palace stationery, answering all of my questions about the Queen’s horses and her corgis and her favorite foods. I marveled at the strangely-sized paper, the texture of the embossed coat of arms centered at the top of the page, and the stamps on the envelope. A real person had spent time reading my letter, responding to it, folding it and placing it in an envelope, and then more real human beings had taken the time and effort to transport it from London to some mail distribution center, to an airport in England, to an airport in the US, and back through the various USPS chains until it arrived in a plastic mailbox at the foot of my driveway in southeast Michigan.

I’m still fascinated by this process today, and all for less than the price of some chocolate! So I maintain correspondence with about a dozen penpals across the world, and send and receive postcards. At last count, I have a little under 2,000 postcards that I’ve received. Keep scrolling to see the most recent postcards that have arrived in my mailbox.

Kristopher Geda Kristopher Geda

I love Tomsk (Russia)

What a charming postcard! I really love hand-drawn maps! The city depicted here is Tomsk in Russia. I wonder what this hand is in the center? It looks vaguely familiar, like some archaeological find I should remember?

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Kristopher Geda Kristopher Geda

Shihfen (Taiwan)

My dear friends Kay and Pei sent this postcard from Shihfen; they were back in Taiwan visiting family over the summer. I love Taiwan so much!

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Kristopher Geda Kristopher Geda

Vegemite (Australia)

Did I really need to write “Australia”? Don’t we always know that Vegemite is from Australia?! This postcard’s writer asks whether I’ve tried Vegemite before, and I have to admit that I haven’t. But I have had Marmite; isn’t it the same thing?

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Kristopher Geda Kristopher Geda

eight-armed love (Washington)

I sent this postcard to thank Andy for planning another great vacation. Octopodes are Andy’s favorite animal, at least his favorite animal to eat!

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Kristopher Geda Kristopher Geda

le téléphone au boulot?

Partout où je vais, je vois plein de gens avec leurs téléphones au volant. C’est completement fou, et je crois que c’est pire que l’alcohol. Il y a beaucoup de stigma contre conduire pendant ivre, mais conduire au téléphone, c’est accepté. Merci, Dominique, pour nous rappeler ces dangeurs.

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Kristopher Geda Kristopher Geda

San Diego (Australia)

Wait, what?! San Diego isn’t in Australia - at least not this one! Matty is in Australia enjoying a “nice cold winters night” and writing some letters! This is a postcard he picked up on his trip to the US last year. I love later-cards!

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Kristopher Geda Kristopher Geda

stamp birds around the world (Oregon)

I love this collage made by Kay Burrell in 2022 using used stamps! Linda sent this postcard after our visit to her house; she was so generous in letting us - including Pinot - hang out all morning!

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Kristopher Geda Kristopher Geda

a strange scene (British Columbia)

Ray writes about this “…interesting card. Looks like a fun photo shoot. Would love to know the circumstances and history of the picture, the time and place it was taken.” Truer words!

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Kristopher Geda Kristopher Geda

vous pouvez - une voiture ne le peut (France)

Même si les voitures nous paraissent indispensibles, elles ne le sont pas vraiment! J’ai éviter le mot “accident” en parlant des collisions véhiculaires, parce que les collisions ne sont pas toujours des accidents, et le mot (en anglais, au moins) peut causer le pensée qu’il n’y ait pas de faute! Merci à Dominique pour me passer cette carte postale.

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Kristopher Geda Kristopher Geda

pantone flag (Switzerland)

Ha! What a truly clever way to represent the famous Swiss flag! Rob and Paul traveled there recently and send this terrific postcard!

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

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Kristopher Geda Kristopher Geda

Great Southern Land (Australia)

This postcard comes from Australia, Tasmania actually! I always forget that Australia is in the southern hemisphere so the seasons are reversed. At the time of writing, it was between 8 - 16C (46-60F)!

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Kristopher Geda Kristopher Geda

hedgehog (Indiana)

Nozomi is right, this is a very cute hedgehog! She also writes that the Japanese word for this species is “needle-mouse,” but it’s neither a hog nor a mouse! It reminds me that the word for panda in Chinese translates as big-cat-bear; again, it is neither a cat nor a bear!

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Kristopher Geda Kristopher Geda

le Paysan du tendre (Romania)

This postcard comes from Romania and the sender writes that French verbs are a real headache. I couldn’t agree more! This poem is “le Paysan du tendre” (1974) by Marcel Mariën, a surrealist from Belgium.

I was going to try to translate it but I gave up. Suffice it to say that the poem consists of the frame “Je te conX” where X is either a verb or maybe verbed-noun. The first line is made-up verb “conpisser” which I think we can interpret as “piss-with” or “co-piss.” So maybe: I piss with you? It gets weirder from there!

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More to come from the past…